Profil Avifauna dalam Ekosistem Urban Kota Denpasar

Sang Putu Kaler Surata (1)



The objective of this survey was to estimate species richness and abundance of avifauna in several main habitats in urban ecosystem at Denpasar City. For these purposes 18 urban areas consisting of three types of habitats, i.e. mangrove forest, rice field, and city parks (including garden and shrub) were selected. The point count method was applied to observe birds with three-time observation in the respective urban area. Thirty-six species of birds were recorded and seven bird species were met once with one individual only. Based on Jackknife index, probably 43 bird species have been living in urban ecosystem at Denpasar City. There were five species belonging to common birds yellow-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus goiaver), spotted dove (Streptophelia chinensis), bar-winged prinia (Prinia familiaris), scaly-breasted munia (Lonchura punctulata), and olive-backed sunbird (Nectaria jugularis) which tend to live in all types of urban areas. Variance analysis showed that both Simpson (F2:17=6.330;P=0.010) and Shannon-Wiener (F2:17=12.870;P=0.001)  diversity indeces of birds in mangrove forest were significantly different from those in rice field and city park. Profil of avifauna in mangrove forest is better than that in rice field and city parks.

Kata Kunci

species richness, population abundance, city parks, rice field, mangrove forest

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