Komunitas Biota Hewan Bentik Pada Danau Paparan Banjir Di Kalimantan Timur

Lukman Lukman (1) , T Chrismadha (2) , Muhammad Fakhrudin (3) , J Sudarso (4)



Lake Semayang and Melintang are floodplain lakes of River Mahakam, which are economically important as inland fisheries resources in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan.  Benthic community in both lakes are still in rare exposed. Therefore, the aim of this research is to evaluate their community characteristics based on structure, diversity, and distribution pattern. The research was conducted in July 2006 at ten sampling stations of both lakes. Water quality in both lakes  in terms of temperature was between 28 and 32oC, while pH, turbidity and conductivity were low,  namely 3.74 – 5.39,  0.2 – 7.6 NTU, and 0.011 – 0.034 mS/cm, respectively. Dissolved oxygen was between 0.96 mg/L and 6.35 mg/L, and total organic matters (TOM) was high (26.8 – 57.5 mg/L).  Benthic community organism was arranged by mollusks, oligochaete and dipterans, consisting of 15 species with the abundance of 8 – 433 ind/m2. Aulodrilus piquet was the dominant species of oligochaete and Melanoides tuberculata was the dominant species from mollusks. The significant high number of A. piqueti was probably due to its preference on the habitat with the abundance of aquatic plants. Shannon Index Diversity of benthic organism community was low (<1.50), and it seemed to be related to the extreme condition of floodplain area environment. The distribution of benthic organisms did not show homogenous pattern which was also related to floodplain area condition.

Kata Kunci

Lake Semayang, Lake Melintang, floodplain, benthic organism, diversity index, distribution pattern

Teks Lengkap:



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