Kerusakan Tegakan Akibat Pemanenan Kayu Konvensional dan Teknik Reduced Impact Logging di Hutan Alam

Muhdi Muhdi (1) , Diana Sofia (2)

(1) Departemen Ilmu Kehutanan Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan
(2) Departemen Ilmu Kehutanan Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan


The objective of this research was to determine the effect of reduced impact logging (RIL) to residual stand damages in natural tropical forest. This research examined the effects of reduced impact logging to residual stand damages in natural tropical forest of West Kalimantan. The effects of RIL to residual stands were studied using the data of three plots with each size of 100 x 100 m, which were placed based on random at landing, middle skiddtrail and tips of skiddtrail, respectively. The degree of residual stand damages based on tree population and stage of vegetation development in conventional logging and RIL was as follow: for poles and trees of 33.15% (moderate stand damage) and of 19.53% (light stand damage). Based on the size of injury of every individual tree, the degree of trees  damages caused by timber harvesting in conventional logging and RIL was as follow: trees heavy injury (64.66% and 57.20%), trees medium injury (20.30% and 24.00%) and trees light injury (15.03% and 18.80%). The most type stand damage were the falling dawn 36.84% and 32.01% and broken trees 22.78% and 21.25%. This research indicated that conventional logging in the tropical natural forest caused greater damage on residual stand when compared with a reduced impact logging. Based on the principles of sustainable forest management, the residual stand stocks in the forest was sufficient.

Kata Kunci

logging, residual stand, damage, stand stocks, natural forest

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