Dunaliella sp. is a green microalga commonly used as a live feed in the hatchery, especially in marine aquaculture. This microalga is capable of producing carotenoids and accumulate a significant amount of β-carotene under stressful conditions, for example, high light intensity during the culture process. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of light intensity on the growth of Dunaliella sp. culture and it carotenoid content. The Dunaliella sp was cultivated for eight days at the Aquaculture Laboratory, Department of Fisheries and Marine Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. The study used a completely randomized design with three different light intensity as treatment, i.e., (A) 2500 lux, (B) 3500 lux, and (C) 4500 lux. All treatments were given three replicates, and the position of culture bottles was randomized with the assumption that all sample units received the equal amount of light intensity. The results showed the Dunaliella sp culture illuminated with light intensity higher than 2500 lux have higher carotenoid content.
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