Introduction: Memory impairment is one of the symptoms of aging process which can be caused by either free radicals or oxidative stress. Antioxidants such as flavonoids are compounds that can inhibit reactive oxygen species (ROS). Bay-Leaves (Syzygium polyanthum) is one of the natural compound that contains high flavonoids. The purpose of this study was to prove that Bay-Leaves (Syzygium polyanthum) extracts prevent spatial memory impairment in male Balb/c mice (Mus musculus) with brain aging.
Methods: This study was a true experimental study with randomized pretest-posttest control group design. The experimental animals were 14 mice, which were divided into two groups (7 each group). Mice that were included in this study were healthy (active and willing to eat), weighing 20-22 grams, 3-month-old With oral D-galactose (300mg/kgBW/day)induced brain aging for 28 days. The control group was treated a placebo (2 ml of aquabidest), and the treatment group was treated with oral Bay-leaves extracts at a dose of 5.25 mg/kgBW/day. Spatial memory was examined using the Morris Water Maze method using Probe Test to assess spatial memory retention and the Number of Platform Crossing Test. The examinations were done before (pretest) and after treatment (posttest) with placebo and Bay-leaves extract for 28 days.
Results: The results showed that in the Probe Test, before the treatment (pretest) in the control and treatment groups there were no differences (69.94 ± 4.46% vs 69.42 ± 4.30%; p = 0.831), but after treatment during 28 days (posttest), the mean of the Probe Test between groups was significantly different (52.02 ± 7.46% vs 66.08 ± 3.72%; p = 0.001). In the Number of Platform Crossings, before the treatment (pretest) there was no difference in the Number of Platform Crossings (6.92 ± 0.640 times vs. 7.10 ± 0.748 times; p = 0.640), but after treatment for 28 days (posttest), the mean Number of Platform Crossings between groups was significantly different (4.67 ± 0.590 times vs 6.46 ± 0.809 times; p <0.001). For intergroup tests, the Probe Test in the control group decreased significantly (from 69.94 ± 4.46% to 52.02 ± 7.46%; p = 0.001), whereas in the treatment group there was no decreased (69.42 ± 4.30% to 66.08 ± 3.72%; p = 0.060). In the Number of Platform Crossings test, there was a significant decrease in the control group (6.92 ± 0.640 to 4.67 ± 0.590, p = <0.001), whereas in the treatment group there was no decreased (7.10 ± 0.748 to 6.46 ± 0.809, p = 0.070).
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that Bay-Leaves (Syzygium polyanthum) extracts prevented the decrease of spatial memory in male Balb/c mice (Mus musculus) with brain aging.
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